Hotel Elyseé Palace
Patinated bronze

Nizza (Francia)


Set in the side granite facades of the AC Marriott hotel in Nice (at Promenade des Anglais 59), formerly Elysée Palace, the two imposing Venuses by the French artist Sacha Sosno together with the architect George Marguerita.

Playing with limits, their perceptions and the relationship between emptiness and the other, Sosno’s visual language rethinks classic forms and spaces in a relationship between sculpture and architecture. With the Venus of Nice his works are placed in an urban context, to allow people to enjoy it in a casual and free way. 

Made out in bronze in our workshops, the two specular works of 20 meters each represented one of our greatest production challenges. Hôtel Elysée Palace constitutes the culmination of a long collaboration with Sosno for the production of large and small editions.